The class to the train to Oxford to check out the colleges and cathedral. It is actually a very quiet town--not much to do unfortunately, but other than the rain it was fun.
Our guide took us to Trinity College. First thing were the Harry Potter stairs! Used in just the first one I think!
Then we got to go into the dining hall that the one in HP is modeled after.
We went inside the church and checked out some cool stuff. Then around some of the other colleges and the library. One awesome thing was a building used for more Harry Potter!! Madame Pomfrey's Hospital Wing
and the library
One right above the other!
Then we got to split up and wander. After lunch we went to this awesome shake place where you could have WARM ice cream shakes and they had about 150 different flavors!! It was awesome and sooo delicious!
We wandered a lot more going in and out of shops and then went to the Ashmolean Museum. They had a lot of Pre-Raphealite stuff, Powhatan's (Pocahontas's dad) mantle, and Guy Fawkes's lantern! There was a lot of cool stuff there.
Then we wandered some more and eventually ended up at the Alice shop.
Forgot my umbrella on the train :(
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